How You Can Help

Our friends and supporters mean the world to us.

If you are able to support our mission financially, you can visit our donation website at

From Razoo, you can donate to our general fund, elect to be a corporate sponsor, or champion one of our fundraising campaigns.  You can also create your own fundraiser, start a team or share our mission via social media.

There are other ways to support The Common Thread Collective as well.

You can strike up a donation for embroidery thread, hand needles, sewing supplies, muslin fabric, interfacing, pellon, embroidery hoops, basic English and Math books, and necessities one might take camping to help at our rural village compound (camp showers, camp basins, camp stoves, etc).

If you’re up for a big challenge, maybe you can help us acquire two weaving looms!

Want some other ideas?

Get your local coffee shop to create a drink just for us and donate part of the profits.

Or how about your local bakery or cupcake palace? Everyone has a sweet tooth!

Host a cut-a-thon at your favorite salon where basic cuts are on a donation basis.

Host a dance-a-thon and dance the night away!

Anything you can put “a-thon” on the end of, is a pretty cool idea.

Start a race team and take pledges for miles walked/ran.

The possibilities are endless, and our team is always here to help you out.

Drop us a line at: OR, email our founder directly:


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